Custom T-Shirts for airplane
Pulling for Special Olympics by Truline Twenty
"Photo was taken at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport for the 2017 Cleveland Plane Pull to benefit Special Olympics. 20 guys plus 1 Special Olympian pull a 100,000 lb plane. We needed a quic..."
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Team Luke by Brooke Davenport
"Our event that we went to was Race to Remember. It's a race that honors families that have had stillborn or loss of children. My dear friends lost their son at 37 weeks almost 2 months ago. His nam..."
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Building an airplane with four grandsons by Rich and Terry
"I'm building an airplane at home and thought that t-shirts would be fun for us as well as the future pilots in the family. The H & T Airplane Builders represents my neighbor and I, and just seemed ..."
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Having a BLAST! by TPAA AERO Club
"We are a high school aerospace club at The Palmdale Aerospace Academy in California where we not only promote aerospace within the club, but to the community as well! We focus on the educational a..."
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Camp Hedgehog! by Scobie
"I've been helping my pal Steve build a fly-in vacation lodge on Decatur Island in the San Juan Islands of Puget Sound for the past 8 years. This spring, the lodge was finished and dubbed "Hedgehog ..."
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