Custom T-Shirts for greenville
Singing for our Supper by Not That Girl
"We are a barbershop quartet. We were so excited to premier our new shirts at a luncheon for the Friends of Crystal Beach. The shirts will really help us promote our group!"
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Untouchable 37th by Sonya Dee
"We belong to an auto club of over 65 chapters across the US and internationally in the Bahamas. This photo was taken at an anniversary event for our chapter in Greenville, SC. They celebrated the..."
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Beyoncé Powderpuff Football by Sydney Hendricks
"We are all first year medical students who participated in the annual powderpuff football game against the second year medical students. Our plays, our male cheerleaders, our verbal cheers, and our..."
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Elegant Ladies Being Casual by Rogene
"We are a group of women that give back to the community privately so we decided to celebrate ourselves. "
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The Links is Going Pink by
"We took the photo for our Facebook page to help raise awareness for breast cancer. For every share it gets, we will donate $5 for breast cancer awareness. One of our own is actually a breast cancer..."
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#PORTERSTRONG by Deidra Locklear
"Our church united together in Greenville, NC for the youngest member of our church Porter who was born with down syndrome. Porter spent weeks in the hospital when first welcoming the world-this has..."
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JDRF ONE Walk by Pumped for the CURE
"JDRF raises money for research to cure Type 1 Diabetes. This is from the JDRF ONE Walk in Greenville, SC. It is held at the BMW Performance Center. This is a portion of our walk team but a great ph..."
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We Walk So That Other Babies Survive by DesignStrategies, LLC Architects
"The event was the Greenville County, SC March of Dimes fundraiser walk held May 6th. DesignStrategies, LLC had 12 walkers in the field of 3,000. The t-shirt competition is an inner-office event a..."
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Lab Week by LabSource LLC
"We took this photo at the end of Lab Week. Lab Week is an entire week to celebrate those who work in laboratories. We play games, dress up, eat food, and grow as a work family. We gave out these sh..."
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TEAM #PATTYSTRONG by #pattystrong
"This was our team at the 8th annual buncos 4 Boobies event held 3/26/17 in Greenville, oh. It's a fundraiser for cancer. We honored my mom who passed away last Nov. Working with CustomInk was e..."
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Klutey Xmas '16 by Kluteypalooza
"Family Xmas '16. Every year, one family comes from CT, and kicks off a round of annual traditions. My brother-in-law dubbed this "Kluteypalooza" a few years ago. CustomInk was great in helping..."
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Twelve Team Shenanigans by EB Aycock
"The winners of the regional Twelve competition celebrate their victory. Twelve students answer twelve questions each on twelve academic topics. The competition was on November 19th and the team adv..."
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